Sunday, February 15, 2009

Big Horn Ram Sheep in Grant, Colorado

This is part good and part rant so pardon my ranting. Ok for the good, I was out today riding around with no specific goal to obtain or anything. Had my camera's in the truck just in case something looked good to shoot. I was going down US 285 from Denver to Fairplay and before I got to the turnoff for Guanella Pass in Grant, this guy with a a whole bunch of ewes and a couple of young rams from what I could see were eating some snow for their water. Now for my rant, while shooting these guys and we were minding our own business, me the photog and them the sheep. All of sudden a Harley with straights guns the motor just as hie passing the herd and spook's the crap of them. The only reason the biker did was because he had to slow down while other cars were slowing down to see the sheep. This is not the only other time I have had problem with Harleys or other bikes with straights and I am sick of it as a photog. I love shooting wildlife in their environment and do not mind sharing that with other people either, but when other people are totally disrespectful of what is there that everyone is observing and they gun their illegal modified engines (straight pipes), it just totally rubs me the wrong way. I have worked along time to get my craft where it is and I am always working on to improve it and when inconsiderate A$$HOLES disrupt things I love and puts more stress on animals that are already under stress from weather illness, predators, I have to draw a line.

Well till later


Mrs.H said...

I smiled at the rant!

Mr. H has a bike, a Honda ST1300, NOT a Harley, specifically for the reasons you stated!

I've never had the problem you have because I'm not a photographer. My pictures are usually taken of the scenery while I'm riding behind Mr. H. I am not a big fan of Harleys because I'm not a fan of NOISE!

Your photographs are incredible.

dhcoop said...

I don't blame you for being pissed. Some folks just don't have any respect for others OR nature.

Great shots!

parrotmom said...

Great shots, it appears you are only a couple of feet away. Sorry that others do not always show respect for human or animals in their environment

JustJo said...

This is just fabulous work, MP, as an
artist I always adore perfect shots.

I hate the motorcycles that do the loud
stuff too..

Jen said...

Great pics, as always. I don't think I will ever see a picture that looks like crap that you take. :) I totally love these guys(the sheep), they amaze me!

And the pipes suck. I understand. We don't allow pipes on 4wheelers at camp for fear of disturbing the wildlife. So I totally agree with you.