Friday, May 15, 2009

Finally Got Me a Birdy

Going to work in the early morning up here and I have been noticing a Great Blue Heron flying in to the local park here in Fort Collins. I got to take off from work today and as I was driving out past the park today on the way to get my ears lowered a great deal. Low and behold, I looked over in the park and I found my friend the GBH strutting around near one of the ponds in the park. I worked with him for about a hour and managed to fill up my 4 GB CF card with images. This image is one of the last images before he flew off to another pond in the park and was no longer in the good light. I might try to go down early in the morning to see if he is back and if he there I am going to work him some more. Have to get there early before all the soccer kids and doggies and fishers get there and scare him off.

1 comment:

Jen said...

he is pretty! I have one that visits our ponds daily. With the dogs outside, I can't get too close. Ijust need to buy a longer lense ;) hahahahahaha I've already priced them. Maybe Christmas! LOL